
Gulshan Mehboob is a 19 year old part-time Potato Rumbler at Fat Sam's Burger Van. He also manages to fit in his studies and is currently undertaking an apprenticeship in Catering and Bakery at Barnsley College.

Gulshan is an occasional contributor to Mean Muncher.

Gulshan on Imran's Takeaway at the Wicker

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60 Seconds with Gulshan Mehboob

What is your favourite cuisine? 


Do you have a particular meal that you associate with good memories?

Most of my good memories have involved a meal. Maybe that is why catering is my passion. The smell of donner meat always reminds me of home. Uncle says I was taken for my first kebab after my dad brought me home from the hospital as a newborn baby.  I ate two apparently. 

Do you prefer to cook or eat out?

What is takeaway classed as? Usually I will prepare a snack whilst waiting for a takeaway. Something light, like a quiche or bowl of scotch eggs covered in smash.

Who would you say your "culinary hero" is?

Fat Sam. She invented deep fried butter on a stick. I don't need to say anymore.

Have you ever considered becoming a vegetarian?

It would mean rejecting everything I believe in. Though I have recently given up horsemeat.

If you were Saddam Hussein, which miniature version of a chocolate bar would you take into your hole?

A Picnic. Its name would help me to remain optimistic and it also contains most of your five a day.

And finally, what would your "death row" last supper be?

A buffet. 

If you have a question for Gulshan, please leave a comment below.

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